Hello Reader,
For some context, you are signed up to receive a newsletter from me at Forward Thinking Workplaces, Space Beyond Boundaries (SpaceB), LeaderONE, or all three or some combination. I appreciate you being a subscriber and supporting my work. Many of you have been with me for over a decade.
LeaderONE has become my main focus.
I believe in simplicity, clarity, and authenticity, so I must step back and paint the big picture. The TL;DR of all this is that my main area of focus has shifted to LeaderONE.org.
The more extended version of this is that I've wrestled with whether to focus on Forward Thinking Workplaces or SpaceB for some time. LeaderONE was my first glimpse at how I might bring the two together. All my attempts to sort things out otherwise never felt right and forced.
Only in the last month has a vision emerged on how to do this, and it feels right.
LeaderONE is a platform to revolutionize how great leaders and organizations emerge in the 21st century.
I know that's a bold statement, but deep inside, that's what has been emerging for some time, and I sense the same longing in the people attracted to my work.
At LeaderONE, we aim to revolutionize how great leaders and organizations emerge in the 21st century by creating experiences that transcend the ordinary, stimulate thoughtful dialogue, and open up novel pathways of seeing, understanding, and interacting with the people and world around us.
For the past year, my colleagues, John Ryskowski and Wolfgang Fiebig, and I have been conducting more and more fascinating workshops that feature the six dimensions of how we view and experience the inner leader journey beyond the boundaries of conventional leadership.
We've also received the feedback and support of many distinguished leaders, too numerous to mention in my network, who have participated in our private events and helped us improve them.
The recent updates and rethinking of the Be a Workplace of the Future Now series revealed how to conduct similar workshops from my work at Forward Thinking Workplaces.
The initial LeaderONE Platform program and pricing have been set.
There will be a series of four workshops conducted every month for Basic, Professional, and Business members:
Each workshop is designed to be standalone and last 60 to 90 minutes. You can come and go based on your interests and schedule.
There are three plans: Basic, Professional, and Business.
Current paid Forward Thinking Workplaces and SpaceB members are automatically enrolled in the LeaderONE Platform and eligible to attend the workshops. Basic (Backers) level members can attend one event per month. Professional (Sponsors) members can attend all events.
The most attractive way to join the platform between now and August 31, 2023, is to sign up at Forward Thinking Workplaces or SpaceB for membership. Contact me to get a 20% discount code.
View plans and pricing for the LeaderONE Platform, which will go into effect on September 1, 2023.
The prices are introductory and will likely increase over time. If you've been watching things develop from the sidelines, now is the time to get in the game.
The LeaderONE Platform, as the brand, product, strategy, and story, is a work in progress. Now that the vision has emerged, the best is yet to come.
We believe we need a new playbook. Navigating today's new era requires a paradigm shift in self-perception and a fresh understanding of how your mind works, what defines a leader, and how you perceive and interact with the world.
Let's do this!
— Bill
Bill Fox, Founder @ LeaderONE, SpaceB, and Forward Thinking Workplaces
P. S. This is a lot to consider, and you may have questions. There are also many other ways we can work together and collaborate. Please don't hesitate to email or schedule a 20-minute call with me if you have some ideas. Or signup to join our free workshop on August 9, 2023, where you can participate in an introductory workshop and get your questions answered.
Get my periodic newsletter to discover new pathways, make better decisions, and be a forward-thinking leader and workplace of the future — today!
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